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John Vaughan

On the 2nd day of June AD One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Eight personally appeared before me the subscriber, a justice of the peace in and for said county, Mrs. Nancy Vaughn who is to me known to be the person mentioned as Claimant in a previous declaration in the pension office at Washington City. And who being by me first duly sworn doth on her oath state that there is no public nor private record of her marriage to the best of her knowledge information and belief she further state that she ran away with her Husband John Vaughn from Charlotte County Virginia and went into Halifax County Virginia and was married by one Parson Hayse a clergyman and that she was married at the house of the said Parson Hayes’s and that she knows of none that is now living who was present at her marriage aforesaid. She further states that she cannot form her recollection give the precise day and year of her said marriage but she states to the best of her recollection that it was on or about the day of October 1794 (blanks in original) ______ is one thing she states she does know that it was something over one year after the said marriage that James Vaughn her eldest son was born on the 15 day of October 1795 and that since her previous declaration we have found in the possession of her son Benjamin Vaughn of Hancock County, Tennessee a part of an old day book containing the records of my children’s ages to wit the day and year of each birth which she certifies is true to the best of her recollection and which is here with enclosed, and that she was born and raised in Prince Edward and Charlotte Counties in Virginia and to the best of her information her said husband John Vaughn was born in the state of Virginia at least the first time she ever knew him was in Charlotte County in Virginia and at that time she states that she was about eleven years of age. She further states that she does not know the name of the place where her said husband entered the service at that her first acquaintance she ever had with her said husband was some years after the service aforesaid and that she recollects of hearing her said husband speaking of several places that he was at during his service of which she recollects as follows to wit The High Hills of the Mt. Santee & Fort Schuzler and several other places which I cannot at this time call to mind but at what particular place he entered service at I cannot now recollect
which he said that he entered at. And that she further states that after her marriage aforesaid she and her said husband resided in the state of Virginia some six years and that they moved from the state of Virginia about the year 1800 and came to Hawkins County Tennessee that they settled on or near Clinch river for 5 or 6 miles from here where & more time then Hawkins County now Hancock County, Tennessee where her sons Benjamin and Samuel Vaughn now lives and that we lived there all the while until about 16 years before his death which was in the year 1832 at which time her said husband bought land on this side of Clinch mountain and we moved over here in this valley called then and now Poor Valley in Hawkins County Tennessee where he lived till the day of his death which took place on the 14th day of July 1842 and in about one mile of where I now live with her daughter Polly. She further states that if her husband ever made any application for a pension she never knew anything of it but that she does not believe that he ever did from the fact that she has heard him often times speak of his service and of his claim and say that he would not trouble himself about his claim that he had enough to do him his lifetime without it. And that at his death aforesaid he left a will in which he divided his lands and tenements among his children generally that he left the place we settled when we first came to Tennessee to his sons to wit Benjamin, Samuel and John Vaughn and that he left the place where he died to his youngest son George W. Vaughn with a provision in it that he was to take care of me my lifetime and he not withstanding has sold the land and moved from here the last account I had of him he lived near Nashville, Tennessee and that he has been gone from here about 14 years and that since the death of her said husband she states that she has remained unmarried and is now the widow of John Vaughn aforesaid and that ever since she first understood that there was a pension allowed to the widows of the Revolutionary soldiers which was several years ago she certifies that at the first opportunity which was some 6 or 7 years ago I applied to one William C. Baldwin of Hancock County Tennessee to fill my declaration and to prosecute my said claim and he said he would at some other time that he had not time then and went off and never came back and again about 3 or 4 years ago one Hicks of Abingdon, VA sent word me time and again that he would come and fix my papers and that he never came and again about two years ago one Hiram Rodgers who then lived in Hancock County aforesaid came to see me and said he would fix out my declaration for me and prosecute my claim and that he run off and was to be back at a certain time but never came and that about one year ago one Granville Rodgers sent me word that he would coma and fix out my application but never came all of the foregoing named with several others not named has promised me to fix and some promised to have my claim fixed out and never done anything and I have been so much confined from old age and bodily infirmity that I could not go to have my claim filled out and authenticated and that she had been thus disappointed and held in suspense from time to time until the time of filing her declaration by her attorney Wm. M. Strickland of Sneedville Tennessee which is on file in the pension office at Washington city which is the first declaration that I ever made my claim and this next additional in order to obtain a pension certificate for the amount which may be due me under act approved July 29th 1848 which certificate I wish made payable at Knoxville Tennessee agency as it is most convenient and that she further certifies that she cannot from bodily infirmity old age and loss of memory from her recollection more correctly or aptly? State the facts and she refers to the evidences in the department on file and the evidence herewith enclosed in support of my claim aforesaid and that I am not able in consequence of bodily infirmity and old age to attend the court. Nancy (her X mark) Vaughn
1.Wiley M. Davis
2.Uriah B. Still
Quoted: "A History of the John Vaughan Hawkins/Hancock, TN Homestead
Complied and Condensed Records of Ownership, incl. deeds, affidavits, will, census, and cemetery
by Helen Michael
1. Hawkins County, TN the Hawkins County Period (1797-1814), VPG Files.
On 15 August 1797 William Vaughan purchased from William McClean a 250 acre tract of land on the north side of Clinch Mountain on Little War Creek in Hawkins County. …The land in question is further down the Clinch River Valley. ….
On 15 April 1800 William sold off 100 acres to John Helton. Helton subsequently resold this property to John Vaughan, who with his wife Nancy had moved to Hawkins County at about the time of the original sale.
John Vaughan was born about 1762. After his service in the Revolutionary War, he came from Maryland to Charlotte County, VA, where he first met his future wife, Nancy Callicott, in 1788. They were married in Halifax County, VA in 1794, and moved to Hawkins County about 1800. John and Nancy Callicott Vaughan had 11 children. Of these was a son, Samuel N., born 1814. In his will, dated 27 December 1841, John Vaughan included a provision for Samuel to inherit this property, their first home.
2. Ben Vaughan Affidavit 1858
Hancock County, Tennessee, May 28, 1858
…. Benjamin Vaughn certified that ….he could “…recollect the birth of Samuel, ...and that Samuel resides in the county …and that my father John Vaughan died on the 14 day of July 1842 and that at his death he left a will in which …he willed to me , John, & Samuel Vaughn the tract of land whereon Samuel now lives.” From Benjamin Vaughan.
3. Hancock County, Tennessee, May 28, 1858:
Another affidavit states that John Vaughan …died on or about 14 day of July AD 1842 and that John and Nancy lived together all the while from about the year 1800 to the day of John’s death. First they lived at the place where “….Samuel Vaughan now lives till about 10 years before (John’s) death at which time he moved around Clinch mountain and settled in the valley called then and now Poor valley near where the reputed widow now lives in Hawkins County.” From a witness swearing that he knew Mrs. Nancy Vaughan.
4. Hawkins County, Tennessee, June 2, 1858
Mrs. Nancy Vaughan, a claimant in a previous declaration in the pension office at Washington, had found in the possession of her son Benjamin Vaughan of Hancock County, Tennessee a part of an old day book containing the record of her children’s ages and that…. “the following children lives in this vicinity to visit. Benjamin, John, Samuel, Polly, Nancy. From an Affidavit of Nancy Vaughn
5. Hancock County, Tennessee, May 28, 1858
Nancy further stated in this affidavit … that after her marriage she and her husband resided in the State of Virginia six years and then they moved from the State of Virginia about the year 1800 and came to Hawkins county Tennessee. They settled on or near Clinch River some 5 or 6 miles from where she was then living (with a daughter) in Hawkins County–changed to Hancock County, Tennessee, on the land where ….Samuel Vaughan eventually was living. She said, “…We lived there all the while until about 16 years before his (John’s) death which was in the year 1842.” She said that in …about 1826 her husband bought land on the other side of Clinch mountain, and they moved to another house where he lived till the day of his death, the 14th day of July 1842. At his death she said that he left a will in which he divided his lands among his children and that he left the place they settled when they first came to Tennessee to his son Samuel.
6. The Will"
I, John Vaughan of the County of Hawkins and State of Tennessee, do make this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me heretofore made.
… I do give and bequeath unto my sons Samuel N. Vaughan and Benjamin Vaughan during their natural lives and then to their lawful heirs forever all my lands on the north side of Clinch Mountain, it being about 110 acres and 10 acres on the south side to Copper Ridge whereon the said Samuel N. Vaughan now lives, to be equally divided between them according to quality.
7. TN General Population Schedule, 1840 or ‘41
By 1840--41, Samuel and his family—Malvina and baby sons, William and John, were well-established in the 40 yr old home place of John and Nancy Vaughan. If in 1800, John and Nancy moved into the house, already standing, it is older than 40 yrs.
8. Death of John Vaughan, 1842. See affidavits. 1842 is carved on a log inside the house.
9. 1850 through 1880’s census, Samuel and Malvina Church Vaughan keep the farm.
10. Samuel N. Vaughan dies in 1863 and is buried in Vaughan Cemetery in marked grave behind the house.
11. Carter A. Vaughan is born 3 Jan 1849 in the house he will eventually inherit and restore.
12. Future Census records show Malvina keeping up the farm and remaining a widow. Malvina died in 1887 and is buried beside Samuel N. in a marked grave.
13. Carter and his first wife, Sara Wilcox, had moved in with his mother by 1880 census . After Malvina’s death he inherits the house and restores it complete with Masonic symbol on the fireplace and chimney cap.
14. Sara Wilcox died 7 Aug 1906.
15. Carter died 9 Jan 1911. He and Sara are buried in marked graves in the Vaughan Cemetery. They had no children and though Carter had remarried, he leaves the house to his nephew, James.
16. In the end Carter’s second wife gets the farm. She is buried in Vaughan Cemetery.
17. Trip to John Vaughan farm in 1985-88 by Varnie, A. J., and Opal Frances Vaughan. Pictures from their trip include some pics belonging to the owner, Pat Chapman Mattner. Mattner mistakenly believes Carter restored house in 1842 -–before he was born—probably because of carved date of 1842 on log inside the house.
18. Trip to John Vaughan farm in 1997 by Mabel Brummet Harp, with pictures.
"All records are filed in Samuel, Malvina, Carter, John, Nancy, Varnie, and A. J. Vaughan sites on Vaughantown Tree, helen123042,, including headstones, stories and photographs." (all is in quotes:)
ALSO visit, This site is a free site and is very informational on the Vaughan's and some adjoining families. Please Visit and say THANK YOU FOR ALL THEIR WORK FOR US COUSINS.

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