Death: 12 Apr 1920 in Republic, MO 1
Notes in quotes:
In 1983 Linda Melson of Bothell WA wrote: All Quoted
"The information on this family is all pieced together from written records. I have made no personal contact with any descendant of Nancy Jane Davis Davis' brothers or sisters.
To start with, my only knowledge was that Nancy Jane Davis married John Thompson Davis.
After obtaining information from the Civil War records of James W. Sims - really his wife Salina's part of the records - I have enough information to believe the information here is correct.
From Salina's records:
"I had known him (John Thompson Davis, her 3rd husband) many years before our marriage... ...He had previously married Nancy Jane Davis, a cousin of mine, and she died at Galena, (Stone Co.) MO......John Thompson Davis died at Eaudevie, Christian Co., MO. He was buried near the house of George W. Hayes......The wife of George W. Hayes was at the burial."
Affidavits in Salina's records:
"Mahala Davis - widow of Thomas Woodford Davis stated "She (Salina Sims) was a cousin of my late husband. George W. Hayes' wife was a cousin of Salina Davis Sims."
From the Civil War records of Lucinda Davis Thornburg Penneman, people who gave affidavits: Francis M. Davis (Salina's brother), Mahala J. Davis, Sarah Ann Hayes, and George W. Hayes .
This established the relationship of "cousin" with Salina of Nancy Jane Davis Davis, Thomas Woodford Davis, and Sarah Ann Davis Hayes. I have not worked enough on this family to establish what degree (1st, 2nd, 3rd) of cousins these people were to Salina, but would guess 1st . Added "proof" came from Dosha Elizabeth Owens Graves, grand-daughter of Nancy Jane Davis Davis. First understand Mary E. Davis was only eight years old when Nancy died. Dosha was only thirteen years old when Mary E. died. So this limited the amount of information passed down by family.
Among Dosha's things was a picture dated 1913 - Lucinda Penniman age 70 and Sallie Ann Hayes age 68 years 3 months 5 days. Dosha said they were Aunts on her Mother's (Mary E. Davis ) side and came when Mary was sick and died. (Salina Sims brought Naverett and Dosha dresses when Mary died.)
Dosha had thought they were John Thompson Davis' sisters - but we have established John' s sisters. Also there was a postcard to Dosha calling her 'cousin' and saying "I wish you were here to go to church with Elmer and Ethel" signed Mary Sims. I have a copy of a picture of Elmer and Ethel Sims that Dosha's sister had.
So all in all, I feel that the people I list in these records are the family of NANCY JANE DAVIS DAVIS.
Salina DAVIS, daughter of William and Elizabeth HARP DAVIS, was born in Madison Co., AR on 30 Mar 1844. She married first, in Ozark, Christian Co., MO Charles M. WHELCHEL (Welchel, Whetchel, Wetchel) also know as Charles "WILKIE" a cousin, about 1864-65 by Squire Williams.
Charles "Wilkie" or Welchel was at time of marriage a soldier of the Federal Forces. The re are two physical descriptions which are at a variance. For Co. I 14th MO Cav was age 18 years, born Hickory Co., MO , a farmer, with black eyes, black hair, dark complexion, 6'1", enr olled 1 Apr 1865 as a pvt. On Oct 31 1865 was escortina a train to Indian Country. Records sh ow he had former service in Co. B 8th MO SM Cav. For this service on 21 Feb 1862 he was age 15, born in Newton Co., TN, resided in Hickory Co., MO, was 5'5" tall, fair hair and blu e eyes, was single, had a fair complexion. Discharged SO #14 AGO Feb 7 1863 at Lebanon, MO.
Charles Wilkie or Whelchel was an orphan who was reared by an uncle of the same name. This uncle was born, apparently, in Jefferson Co., IN, and resided in Hickory Co., MO. Discharge d in Lebanon, MO.
Salina Sims adds in her affidavit regarding her marriage to Whelchel (Wilkie) "We lived together about six years in Christian Co., MO near Highlandville MO and at Hermitage, Hickor y Co., MO. We lived together last at near Highlandville, MO and he left me and went to Arkansas with Jasper (Jap) Hayes and ther report came back that Whelchel was shot and killed whil e crossing the River. (Arkansas or Red River) Hayes came bank and reported the death of Whelchel."
"He, Charles Whelchel (Wilkie) grew up in Hermitage, Hickory Co., MO and was reared by his uncle Charles Whelchel, dead, I suppose. No, I did not know said husband before the War. He had no parents, brothers or sisters, when I married him. He was not married before he marri ed me. My maiden name was Davis. I have three brothers -- James Davis near Ponce de Leon, MO and older than I am; King Davis, Strait, Christian Co., MO; Tom Davis at Gonteer, Corteer ? MO. The uncle, Charles Whelshel had a store in Hermitage, MO in war times. He had a wife Lizzie. They had two boys named Sam and Audy. I know nothing of their whereabouts. Her maid en name was Blackwell. I don't know whether said uncle was a soldier. No, I never learned m y said husband remarried again after leaving me. I was not divorced from Whelchel. Seven years observed in those days divorced people? I did not know Sarah E Whelchel of Hermitage, MO wa s drawing a pension as the widow of Charles M Whelchel, Co B 8th MO S. M. Cav. If so, I don' t think her husband was identical with my first husband. She may be the mother ?wife of my husband's uncle Charles Welchel above mentioned. No, I never learned that said uncle lived in Taney Co., MO. I just heard that my first husband got shot while crossing some river, by whom , I don't know. I can't prove his death. I was 18 when I married him. I was older that he was about one year. I don't know of any one who knew him at Hermitage, MO except his uncle and aunt above. He was known at Highlandville, MO by George Hayes and his wife, Wiley Hayes and my brother. One child, deceased, age 4 when Whelchel left.
Salina Sims married second John Burrel Dobbs (John B. Dobaon and Salina Wilchel married 21st of August 1873, both of Christian Co., MO by J. M. Bilyue JP. Record Book No 1 page 219 ) "John Burrel Dobbs had a sister Mary and a brother Tom. His mother, give name not remembered, married a second time to a Mr. ___RI About one year following this marriage, John Burrel Dobbs went to Joplin, MO to work, and the report come back that he was killed with another man at a dance. He was shot and killed, by whom, I do not know. I was not with him when he wa s killed. I never went to see if the report of his death was correct. Lived near Kirbyville , Taney Co., MO house about 1/2 mile from Kirbyville. Dobbs moved to Ark.
Salina Davis Welchel (Wilkie) Dobbs married third: John Thompson Davis in Pulaski Co., MO. I can't remember the date or year of our marriage. I had known him many years before our marriage and he had lived in this and Christian Counties (I think she means Stone County, but could be Pulaski), MO. He had previously married to Nancy Jane Davis, a cousin of mine, and sh e died at Galena, MO before he and I married, but I can't state the date. John Thompson Davis died at Eaudevie, Christian Co., MO. He was injured by a horse and died of the injuries . I can't remember the date or year of his death. I was with him when he died. He was buried near the house of George W. Hayes of Highlandville, MO; and George W. Hayes hauled the body to the grave. No headstone or record of his death. The wife of George W. Hayes was at the burial. I don't know who the doctor was. John Thompson Davis was not a soldier. He had been dead 2 or three years before I married my forth and last husband.
"I married James W. Sims near Highlandville, Christian Co., MO in 1885, Jan 18. He died 14 Oct 1906. The covering letter for James W. Sims' pension states: "The claimant is 74 year s old, and is certainly the best preserved and most robust speciman of manhood I have seen at age of 74 years. He has been conveying the mail horseback and in a twowheeled surry until recently. James W Sims was listed as a deserter and was mustered out April 18, 1865 with the r emark that "all pay and allowances stopped from March 15, 1863 to August 15, 1864 because of desertion during that period." The proceedings of a general court martial show that he wa s tried for desertion and found guilty (confirming his plea) and sentenced to forfeit all pa y and allowances during his absence. He refuted this by saying he gave himself up.
Mary Jane Sims, daughter of Salina Davis Whelchel Dobbs Davis Sims, married Charles E Mos her of School, MO RFD 1. On 11 May 1920, Charles E Mosher was age 36.
Salina Sims died 12 Apr 1920. The funeral requirements were purchased from Baker and Liki ns of Hurley, MO for $90.30 of which $75 was for a casket.
Additional notes: This file is contained in two enormous envelopes. I read more than two hours and did not begin to cover all the data in it. Almost all supporting affidavits also have files and these could be read.
Marking affidavits were:
Mahala Davis, widow of Woodford Davis or Thomas Woodford Davis, age 70 residing at 856 Myrtle St., Springfield, Greene Co., MO. He served in Co. C 48th MO Inf. Did not check this file at all. She states "She (Salina Sims) was a cousin of my late husband)
Sarah E Whelchel, widow of Charles M Whelchel, she state, "My husband had a brother William who died before the Civil War and we raised his boy Charles Whelchel, Sr. Charles Whelche l was born in Indiana. Sarah E Whelchel lived in Big Cabin, Oklahoma with son-in-law John Ski nner.
Sarah A Bennet, of Dickens, Taney Co., MO., the widow of J. S. Bennett, says she knew th e Whelchels, generally called "Wilkie" in Cedar Creek, MO in 1874. Sarah E. Bennett was a sis ter of Marian Teague who married Ellen Whelchel, dau of above couple. The Whelchels had child ren named: Samuel Andy (Audy?), Ellen, Rose, Frank and Benjamin. Did not read this file.
Nosh Skinner witnessed the signature or mark of Sarah E. Whelchel.
JAMES W. SIMS, Wife #4 Salina Davis Whelchel (known as Wilkie) Dobbs, Davis, Sims
Source: Affidavits in Pension file of James W. and Salina Sims, National Archives, Washingto n DC
These are copies of depositions which contain data of special interest. No effort was mad e to obtain complete copies of the depositions, but rather of pertinent data.
"On this 25th day of Sep 1913 at deponent's home, county of Christian, State of MO, befor e me N. B. Miller, a special examiner of the Bureau of Pensions, personally appeared James M . Davis, who deposes and says: "Age 73 years. I am a farmer. PO Bengal, Christian Co., MO. Th e claimant (Salina Sims) is my sister, and was well acquainted with her last husband James W . Sims, and know he died at Ponce de Leon, MO near here a few years ago -- date not known abo ut 7 years ago. She has not remarried since his death. She had been married three times befor e she married Sims, and I have seen all of her husbands. She was first married to Charles Wil kie in this county during the War -- Toward the wind up of the war -- He belonged to the 8t h MO Cav or 8th MO SM Cav. I think the name was speled Welchel or Whelchel but people calle d him Wilkie -- He was a cousin of me and claimant and he was reared in Hickory County, MO b y his uncle. I saw him in the service or I served in the 16th MO Cav Co C. Well sir, I don' t know what became of him. He was South some place and never came back.. He and claimant live d near Highlandville, MO and some three years after the War left claimant. The report was tha t he and Jap Hayes went from here to Arkansas and stole some horses and Wilkie who was tryin g to cross the Arkansas.(Note there are three more pages to this depostion, but I only wante d the fact of the relationship of the Davises to Whelchel as cousins)"
Case of Salina Sims
"On this 1st day of Oct 1913 at Dickens, County of Taney, State of MO.personally appeared Sarah A Bennett.Deposed and says: "Age 57 years. I am the widow of J S Bennett, PO Dickens , Taney Co., MO. I once knew Charles M Whelchel -- generally called Wilkie -- and made hisac quaintance at Cedar Creek, MO in 1874, the year I was married. Whelchel then had a famil y - a wife and several children. I was there and am now well acquainted with his widow Elizabeth Whelchel. We called her aunt "Liz" but I thing her full name is Sarah Elizabeth Whelchel . She was here visiting last fall. She now resides at or near Big Cabin, Oklahoma. She reside s with her son-in-law John Skinner. Her maiden name was Blackwell as I have heard. She draw s a pension. I was present when Charles M Whelchel died near Cedar Creek in this county, an d about 1878 as well as I can recollect. He died of pneumonia fever. After his death the wido w and children moved to Hickory Co., MO. My brother Marion Teague married her daughter Elle n -- long after her father died. The Whelchels had children named: Samuel, Andy (Audy?), Elle n, Rose, Frank and Benjamin. I think Charles M Whelchel was about 50 odd years old when he di ed. I have no recollection of ever having known any other Charles M Whelchel or Wilkie -- an d do not recall ever having heard of the Charles M (this affidavit also continues, but did no t get copies made.)
"On this 10th day of Oct. 1913 at Springfield, county of Greene, state of MO personally appeared Mahala Davis, who deposes and says: "Age 70 years. I am the widow of Woodford Davis or Thomas Woodford Davis, and am pensioned as his widow for service in Co. C 48 MO Inf. P O #856 Myrtle St. Springfield, Greene Co., MO. I formerly lived 2 1/2 miles SE of Highlandville, Christian Co., MO and lived there from September 1865 up to recent time. I am well acquai nted with the claimant Salina Sims and have known her from 1865 onup to present time -- She was a cousin of my late husband, and when I first knew her she was the wife of Charles Wilkie , and they were then living about two miles south of Highlandville, MO and so resided until he went off a year or two years after I first made their acquaintance. He went off and never c ame back and some supposed he got killed. George Hayes told me he believed Wilkie got killed . Wilkie and Jap Hayes went off together and Hayes came back which Wilkie never did. I neve r heard Jap Hayes got into some trouble and he believed Wilkie got killed. No, I never heard that Wilkie was living after he had gone away. He left the claimant near Highlandville, M O and she next married Burrel Dobbs, and I knew him and I saw them married near Highlandville , MO by Jake Bilyeu, Justice of the Peace. Date not remembered. Dobbs and claimant went fro m about Highlandville, MO down south on White River, and later she returned to her father William Davis near Highlandville. I never saw Dobbs any more, and do not know what became of him . No sir, I never heard he got killed at a dance over about Joplin MO. I never new Dobbs's mo ther, brother or sister. Dobbs was much younger than claimant. He was a soft boy. Her third h usband was John Thompson Davis, and I knew him. He died in Christian Co., MO date not known . He got in bad health and was carried to Eaugervie Springs and died there the year Presiden t Garfield was killed. "Her fourth husband was James W. Sims and she lived with him until hi s death, and has not remarried. I never knew her first husband to bear the name "Whelchel" -- -Wilkie was all I ever heard him called. I am not interested. Statement read to me question s fully understood and I am correctly recorded."
Mahala Davis her mark. Witnesses: Eugenie Burris, Maggie Davis
Linda adds this at the end of the reports:
There are probably 200 pages of data in two file folders on Sarah and James W Sims. I did not check the service records which would tell where he was born, etc. Hope to do that later. There are files indicated here which could be checked for additional data: i.e. Whelchel , Charles M Sr. to see whether Charles M Whelchel's mother was a Davis or just who and how th e cousin-ship comes in. (see file of James M. Davis) [I don't have this. I do have a family o utline which I will be adding asap] Census records can be checked, especially Nelson Co., T N records. Would Whelchel's mother have been a Davis or a Harp? The interrelationships of th e various Davis families might also be checked for a lot of cousins, degree not stated, is gi ven here.
Lucinda Sims stated that she knew Salina Davis and her mother and they would borow her sp inning wheel.
From these affidavits one can get some idea of the movement of the William and Elizabeth Harp Davis family: James M. Davis was born in Miller Co., MO; Salina was born in Madison Co ., AR; in 1850 they are in Carroll Co., AR. John Thompson Davis seems to have been in Equality Twp., Miller Co., MO in 1840, but William Davis has not as yet been found.
Springfield MO., 11 Oct 1913
Hon. Commissioner of Pensions, Washington DC
"I have the honor to return all papers and submit my report in the above entitled claim , referred for examination to determine legal widowhood, how often claimant and soldier wer e married, and how each marriage was dissolved, and what service her former husbands rendere d &c. "I called on the claimant and served her with notice, and fully explained all her right s and privileges, all of which she waived, and was not present and represented during the exa mination.
"Claiment is illiterate and very ignorant about matters of business, but she bears a goo d reputation for truthfulness and chastity among those who have known her for many years. Al l the witnesses are rated good for truth.
"It appears that the claimant and soldier had each been previously married three times, a nd the testimony herewit show that soldiers first and third wife died, while the second divor ced him. Claimants first husband, Charles M. Whelchel, generally called Wilkie, whom she marr ied at Ozark, MO about 1864, left her at near Highlandville, MO about 1867 or 1868 with on e Jasper Hayes and supposed to have gone to Arkansas, and it is generally believed that he an d Hayes stole some horses and were pursued, and Whelchel or Wilkie was shot and killed whil e trying to make his escape by swimming the river (Arkansas) and Hayes returned to Highlandvi lle, MO., and now lives at Mill Creek, Johnston Co., OK and he could no doubt clear up the my stery surrounding death of first husband. He is a pensioner, and the Examiner can impress hi m in such manner as to get what he knows about the death of Whelchel, whom he may have know n as Wilkie. After he is seen, then further examination can be made at and about Ozark, Frank lin Co., AR, using the data given in the Deposition of Emanuel Choate of this report as follo ws:
'Marion Cannon, old man McWorter, Jim and Ben Pendergrass, B. Belt, a lawyer Felton, als o William B. Choate of Milton, Le Flore Co., OK would likely know as much as any of the other s as to the death of Whelchel, as he was a son of old man Choate. He can also name two sister s in his locality who were at home with their father at the time Jap Hayes and Whelchel staye d all night at their home! These parties could be seen when Hayes above named is seen, and th en it may not be necessary to send case to Arkansas.'
"As to the marriage records at Ozark, MO, I learned they were destroyed in the latter par t of the war, and the oldest date back to December 1865. Consequently, no record of claimant s marriage to Whelchel.
"As to her second husband, John Burrel Dobbs, she says she married him at Ozark, Christia n Co., MO same place where she had married Whelchel, and a search of the marriage records sho wed that John B. Dobson and Salina Wilchel were married on the 21st day of August 1873, bot h of Christian Co., MO by J. M. Bilyue, JP. Found in Record Book No. 1, page 219. The Index s aid record has the names 'Dodson, J. B. to S. Wichel'. "I am satisfied that this marriage rec ord refers to the marriage of claimant and Dobbs, and I could find no other that would fit. C laimant says she and Dobbs lived together a short time and while they were living near Kirbyv ille, Taney Co., MO with his Mother, Brother and Sister, he went away in search of work and w as reported to have been killed at a dance at or near Joplin, MO. She was unable to refer t o any one who knew of his death. Correspondence with Post Masters at Joplin and Kirbyville fa iled to elicit any information. (See Exs. B & C)
"Claimant says that her first husband was reared by an Uncle of the same name, Charles M Whelchel, at Hermitage, MO and she named the wife of the elder Whelchel as Lizzie, and maiden name as Blackwell, and this fits the pensioner Sarah E. Whelchel, Ctf. No. 370 469 whose papers are herewith, and whose service is given as Co. B, 8th Mo. S M Cav. Claimant stated that her first husband was a soldier in said Co., and Regt. when she married him in Ozark , MO. She did not know that the Uncle was a soldier, and says he was a Merchant when she saw him in the latter part of the war at Hermitage, MO. "I wrote to the Adjutant General of Missouri to know whether the records showed more than one Whelchel served in Co. B. 8th Mo. SM Cav. and append his reply showing two men of that name; and both were discharged in 1863 on S . O. Claimant showed me an Army discharge of her husband for Co. I 14th Mo. Cav. showing serv ice from April 1st to Nov 17, 1865.
"The pensioner, Sarah E. Whelchel, resides near Big Cabin, OK and should be seen in orde r to clear up this matter fully. She is said to live with her son-in-law John Skinner.
"Further examination is recommended in accordance with above suggestions, beginning wit h Jasper Hayes, Mill Creek, Johnston Co., Oklahoma.
signed N. B. Miller, special examiner"
"Muskogee, Oklahoma, January 31, 1914
"Commissioner of Pensions, Washington DC "Sir: --
"I have the honor to return, herewith, together with my report, all papers in the above c ited claim, the same having been referred to me for further examination as to legal widowhood .
"I submit, herewith, the depositions of Jasper Hayes and Sarah E. Whelchel. Jasper Haye s was unduly agitated when I secured his deposition, and I am rather inclined to believe tha t he knows more about the disappearance of Charles Whelchel alias Wilkie than he told me. I a m more inclined to believe that he killed the man himself, than that he was killed while ende avoring to escape with stolen horses. However, I believe that this point has been sufficientl y elucidated. I addressed letters to Mrs. G. W. Howell, Stuart, Oklahoma and James Pendergras s, Mulberry, Ark., but, not having received replies to date, I will not hold case longer.
"There is no data to date upon which to base recommendation for further examination as t o fact and date of death of the second husband, John Burrel Dobbs (or Dodson) and, I am recom mending consideration of the Chief of the Board of Review.
"Note report of A. G. secured by me, and Postmaster replies. signed Wm. L. Bowie, Specia l Examiner."
"On this 27th day of December 1913, at Mill Creek, county of Johnston, State of Okla., before me William L. Bowie, a ....personally appeared Jasper Hayes, who.....deposes and says:
"I am 72 years of age, past; postoffice address, and residence, Mill Creek, Okla. I draw a pension on account of service in Co. H 16th MO Cav. I knew Charles Wilkie in Christian Co ., MO and I left Missouri with him not long after the War, the exact year I do not recall , - it was perhaps about 1866 or 1867. We went on down through Arkansas, and we finally reach ed the home of Mr. Choate, up in the mountains from Ozark, we stayed all night with him. We w ent on next morning to Ozark, and we worked on the new court-house building one day. We the n went on to Ft. Smith, Ark. and he enlisted in the Regular Army there, and wanted me to enli st with him, but I would not. I left the next morning and went back to Missouri. I heard afte rwards that he deserted, and that they persued him and killed him. I heard some soldier, I ha ve forgotten who, say that. No, sir he was not killed swimming the Arkansas River with me. Th at story about us stealing horses, and he being killed, was invented up there in Missouri. Th at wife of his even accused me of killing him. I have told you the truth about this, becaus e I know that it means a good deal to this woman who is claiming pension. I have heard this s tatement read; I have understood the same; and you have correctly recorded me herein. sign ed Jasper Hayes, deponent."
On this 20th day of January 1914, at Big Cabin, county of Craig, state of Okla, before m e William L. Bowie, personaly appeared Sarah E. Whelchel, who, being duly sworn, etc. depose s and says:
"I am 81 years of age this year, -according to the way I figure it, although I haven't an y record of my age. I live here in Big Cabin, Okla. with my son-in-law John Skinner. I dra w a pension as the widow of Charles M. Whelchel, who served as a private soldier in Compan y B 8th Mo. State Militia Cavalry, Civil War. He served about a year and a half, it seems t o me, but I cannot state positively, and he enlisted the first part of the War, but I canno t state the year. He was only in that one company during the Civil War, but he served durin g the Mexican War. He was about seven years older than myself. He died in 1877, and was fifty -one past at that time. He was born in Indiana. He was six feet five inches in his sox feet , and weighed about two hundred pounds. He had blue eyes and black hair. My husband had a bro ther William who died before the Civil War, and we raised his boy, - Charles Whelchel. Charle s enlisted in the same company with my husband in the Civil War, - the Company above named, a nd he served for some time therein, but I do not know how long. I do not know whether he serv ed in another company during the Civil War. He was only about 19 when he enlisted in the abov e company, and he enlisted about the same time as my husband. He married during the War, bu t I do not recall the name of the woman. He had only one child by her, and they lived in Chri stian and moved to Hickory Co. for a short time. That was in MO. He never had but the one wif e that I ever heard of. He left Missouri within two or three years after the war and some ma n told me afterwards that he had enlisted in the 'Standing Army' and that he had deserted an d had been put in prison for it. It was down in Arkansas some place that he was in jail. It w as a man named Tom Hanford, who lived near Hermitage, Hickory Co., MO who told me about it. H e said that he had seen Charley in prison, and had talked with him. This must have been a fe w years after the war that he told us about it, - can't say positively now, it has been too l ong. That was the last I ever heard of him. No., I never heard that he was killed while tryi ng to escape from prison, or while stealing horses. I guessed perhaps they had shot him for d eserting as he never came back, but it was simply a guess about it. I don't know about his re latives..I don't know whether Charley's wife remarried; I lost track of her. I have always be en commonly called "Wilkie" but it was for short, and it is not the correct name. I have hear d this read; I have understood it; and you have correctly recorded me herein. signed Sarah E . Whelchel, deponent, her mark. Attested to by Noah Skinner (only one person present)"
State of Missouri, County: Christian. On this the 11th day of January 1913 personally app eared before me Claud E. Hilton, a notary public within and for the State of Missouri, Count y of Christian, George W. Hayes and Sarah A. Hayes and upon their oathes depose and say tha t they were personally acquainted with John Davis, former husband of Salina Sims and know tha t he died prior to the claimant's marriage to James W. Sims. signed George W. Hayes, his mark ; Sarah A Hayes, her mark"
Divorce of James W. Sims and Lucinda Sims is recorded in Circuit Court Record "B" at pag e 306.
James W. Sims carried the mail between Ponce de Leon in Stone Co., and Ozark in Christia n Co., MO. Dr. Wade was attending physician at death of James W. Sims.
Salina Sims continues her depostion with these statements: "There is something about hi s conduct (Whelchel) which I have withheld. It was reported that he and Jap Hayes joined a cl an of thieves and were gathering up horses, wagons, etc and the citizens got after them, an d Whelchel and Hayes put into the River to make their escape, and Whelchel was shot dead in t he River. I saw Hayes after he came back and he had a horse. He had none when he went away. H e and my husband left our home on foot. I don't know whether in Arkansas or Missouri was th e name of the River where he was killed. I say Jap Hayes 3 years ago when he was in here o n a visit from Texas. Wiley Hayes, Highlandville, MO is a brother and may know his address i n Texas. Jap Hayes told me my husband had joined the Army at Little Rock, Ark. No, he never a t any time told me Whelchel was killed. I can only think of one man who may be able to tell w here Whelchel was killed and I refer to Mar? Shoat (Choate), near Spokane, MO. His people liv ed down in the country where Whelchel was killed as I have learned.
There is also an affidavit in file of Emmanuel Choate whose father Iredell Choate had liv ed near Ozark, MO and then moved to Ozark, Arkansas.
George W. Hayes father was Colbert Hayes. George W. had a brother Charles Hayes, George W . Hayes' wife was a cousin of Salina Davis Sims.
Vonda Sheets GWSVKW@compuserve.com notes that Salina had a son by Wilkie Whelchel who was 4 when his father disappeared. This child, whose name is not stated, died before Salina applied for pension benefits.
Father: William Franklin Davis b: 7 May 1808 in KY
Mother: Elizabeth Harp b: Jan 1816 in TN
Marriage 1 Charles M. Whelchel
Married: Abt 1864 in Ozark, Christian Co., MO 2
Change Date: 20 Mar 2001
Marriage 2 John Burrel Dobbs
Married: 21 Aug 1873 in Christian Co., MO
Change Date: 20 Mar 2001
Marriage 3 John Thompson Davis b: 1832 in Probably Pike Co., IL
Married: 13 Mar 1875 in Pulaski Co., MO
Change Date: 20 Mar 2001
Marriage 4 James William Sims b: Jan 1824 in Warren Co., TN
Married: 18 Jan 1884 in Ozark, Christian Co., MO 3 4
Change Date: 20 Mar 2001
Mary Jane Sims b: Dec 1886
RootsWeb's World connect project (The Davis Leigh Hoadley Connection)http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nettimae/index.htm
ID number is: I1619
Bert Paredes (email: bert@paredes.net)
Vonda Sheets GWSVKW@compuserve.com
Text: In Vonda's email, she says married in Highlandville
Father: William Franklin Davis b: 7 May 1808 in KY
Mother: Elizabeth Harp b: Jan 1816 in TN
Marriage 1 Charles M. Whelchel
Married: Abt 1864 in Ozark, Christian Co., MO 2
Change Date: 20 Mar 2001
Marriage 2 John Burrel Dobbs
Married: 21 Aug 1873 in Christian Co., MO
Change Date: 20 Mar 2001
Marriage 3 John Thompson Davis b: 1832 in Probably Pike Co., IL
Married: 13 Mar 1875 in Pulaski Co., MO
Change Date: 20 Mar 2001
Marriage 4 James William Sims b: Jan 1824 in Warren Co., TN
Married: 18 Jan 1884 in Ozark, Christian Co., MO 3 4
Change Date: 20 Mar 2001
Mary Jane Sims b: Dec 1886
RootsWeb's World connect project (The Davis Leigh Hoadley Connection)http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~nettimae/index.htm
ID number is: I1619
Bert Paredes (email: bert@paredes.net)
Vonda Sheets GWSVKW@compuserve.com
Text: In Vonda's email, she says married in Highlandville
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