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"When Lewis Vaughan wrote "Vaughan Pioneers" he did not feel -- at the time-- confident enough to put Martha Vaughan in his outline as a daughter of William and Fereby as there was no solid documented proof of her existence, mostly just stories from the Ben Vaughan line about her. And in the book, Ben Vaughan was listed, but as a mystery on how he fit in. From personal letters back and forth to Lewis before his death and after viewing letters he sent to others at the time he was writing Vaughan Pioneers, he felt that Ben's mother was a daughter of William and Fereby, and that his father was James Vaughan, son of John and Nancy. He also agreed with my theory that John and William were brothers.''

''What Lewis never lived to see was the discovery that Ben's descendants' Y-DNA does not match William and John's. And as William Vaughan and John Vaughan have matching Y-DNA they were absolutely genetically related, and could certainly have been brothers, (but this does NOT mean that they were, only that they could have been), it means that Ben Vaughan or James Vaughan, one of the two, was not a genetic descendant of John Vaughan.''

ALSO; (theory) ''Martha's age is older than James. What if Martha had a relationship with a Willard boy and came up pregnant. For whatever reasons, the Willard boy did not step up to the plate and marry her, and so the family didn't know what to do. Martha perhaps had been living with the Willard boy (she was 28 years old when Ben was born) for several years, without marriage. William approaches John and Nancy Vaughan and they set up an arranged marriage between the older Martha and her cousin, James. James agrees, but is not at all pleased with the situation. After Ben is born, James grows more and more restless, has a couple of kids with Martha, then finally leaves them in Arkansas and heads to Texas.''

''BUT -- ...about the age thing -- 28 years old when Ben was born. And there is another unknown Vaughan in the mix -- David Vaughan, born about 1810, who could also have been Martha's son. He was living with Daniel Vaughan in 1830 in Washington County, AR, but apparently wasn't his son due to stuff in his will. If he was indeed an OLDER brother to Ben Vaughan, then Ben's Y-DNA results are even more problematic as either 1. David Vaughan, if he was James and Martha's son, would have James' Y-DNA, or 2. If he was only Martha's son, by the same father as Ben, then that would hint that Martha had been married to another man, yet both boys had the surname Vaughan, either taking their mother's maiden name or else being adopted by James Vaughan.''
''We really don't know for sure how David Vaughan fits in, he may not be Martha's son.''
''There is also some hint and something far darker in the family too -- something that may have been buried so far back in the closet that only hints of it surface from time to time. I've heard a few scattered hints that there could have been some incest in William Vaughan's family, but never anything such as stories, mostly just odd findings that researchers have made that could be confused records. Some have speculated that maybe William had molested either a daughter or granddaughter. Now obviously, if he had conceived a child with his daughter, the baby would have his Y-DNA, so he could not have been Ben Vaughan's father. But I wonder if maybe Martha fled home due to this molestation and "shacked up' with any local man who would have her and 'protect' her from her father. Perhaps Martha had David by her father in 1810 and she moved in with a Willard man, whom she had Ben with in 1815, only to then marry her cousin James.''
''If this was the case then the genetic record would reveal:''
''1. ) David Vaughan would have his father's (William Vaughan) Y-DNA, which would also match James Vaughan's.
2.) Ben Vaughan would have his Willard father's Y-DNA, a mismatch to William and James.
3.) All of Martha and James' male children would have James' Y-DNA, which would also match David's, but not Ben's.''(Now we know why incest is such as mess up genealogy lines here and here-after.)
''Confusing, and purely speculation, but as others have shown, something doesn't add up. Mistakes on census records are not at all uncommon, and guessing ages is also not unusual. The 1830 and 1840 census seem to show the same female that we have speculated could have been Martha, and Ben would have shown up on the 1820 census with his mother and probably the 1830 census too. But family tradition and Ben's own words state he went to live with William and Fereby as a child. This would cast serious doubt on the Incest theory, as who would let their son go into a house that you fled from a few years ago? I seriously doubt there was any Incest in the family, thank God. And why did just Ben go to live with his grandparents? Why didn't his younger brothers that Martha had by James go as well? And where was Maborne
Washington County, Arkansas 1830 Census
Line 6
Daniel Vaughan
w/m 05-10 years=1 -- His son Zimri b. abt 1821
w/m 10-15 years=1 -- his son Isaac b. 1818
w/m 20-30 years=1 -- unknown, possibly David Vaughan, but this child's birth years would be 1800-1810, wrong for Ben Vaughan
w/m 40-50 years=1
w/f under 5 yrs=2
w/f 05-10 years=1
w/f 10-15 years=1
w/f 15-20 years=1
w/f 30-40 years=1
Conclusion is Ben was not living with James or with his uncle Daniel in 1830. So what about Samuel Vaughan could he be there?
Samuel Vaughan
w/m 15-20 years=3
w/m 50-60 years=1
w/m 70-80 years=1 -- THIS would be WILLIAM VAUGHAN
w/f 40-50 years=1
w/f 70-80 years=1 -- THIS would be FEREBY BENTON VAUGHAN
''This was where William and Fereby were living in 1830, and so this would be a logical place to look. Samuel had three sons; Defsy, born about 1809, who DIED ABOUT 1825, George W. Vaughan "Judge Vaughan" born about 1813, and Andrew Jackson Vaughan, born about 1815. Since Defsy was dead in 1825, there is an extra boy in the 15-20 male category. Is this Ben Vaughan, living with his uncle and grandparents? But why was he not living with his mother and his younger brothers? It seems as though Ben was somehow separated from the others. Yet family stories speak of Ben's brothers, "Lige and William". William is thought to have been living with Ben in 1840 in Madison County, AR.''
1840 Madison Co, AR – Prairie Twp
p. 31, line 3 Benjamin Vaughan 20002-10011
male b. 1810-1820 Benjamin (20-30) b. ca 1815
male b. 1810-1820 unknown (20-30) poss. brother, William, b. ca 1817 ..... female b. 1810-1820 Cherubia (20-30) b. ca 1817 female b. 1820-1825 unknown (15-20) possible sister-in-law, Rebecca, b. ca 1820 female b. 1835-1840 Mary Narc. "Sis" ( u 5 ) b. ca 1838 male b. 1835-1840 Geo. Wash. ( u 5 ) b. ca 1839 male b. 1835-1840 unknown ( u 5 ) possible a nephew, Francis M., b. ca 1840 Elijah was living with his Mom, Martha in Huntsville, AR, in 1850.
Martha and Elijah show up in 1860 too: 1860 Huntsville, Madison County, Arkansas 1016/1016 E C Vaughan 27 Merchant, born in Tennessee Mary F. 18 born in Arkansas Martha A. 60 born in "IND" -- either Indiana or Indian Territory? In 1870 Martha was living with Ben and Cherubia in Clifty, Madison County, Arkansas, listed as being 83 years old and born in Virginia. 1870 Madison County, Arkansas -- California Twp. #14 Benm Vaughn 54 m fmr $1000/500 TN Cherribee (sp) 51f can't write Dallis 24m AR Mary 18f Martha Vaughn 83f VA The 1870 census record is one source for Martha's birth date of 1787, but notice she should have been 73 on the 1860 census. Unless there were two Marthas. One theory is that James Vaughan was married to two Martha's? The first was Ben's mother, born 1783, then he divorces her and marries Elijah and William's mother, born abt. 1800. The question is, if William "Bill" Vaughan F. was born about 1817, was he the first Martha's son or the second? Freddie Todd claimed that Ben, William and Maborne were full brothers but John and Elijah were by a second wife of James. from "The Vaughans" by Mickey Weise Vaughan p. 1 "One of Benjamin's grandchildren thought perhaps he had a brother named Bill and another named Lige. She remembers a conversation from her childhood in which Ben was asked, "How come you're a man of the world and got good boys and Bill is a preacher and got such mean boys?" Ben answered, "Well, I was called and Bill answered." So if James married twice, it is possible that they are two Martha Vaughans on the 1860 and 1870 census. But where was Ben's Mom before 1870, if that is not her on the 1860 census. It is also possible that Maborne, Ben, William (and maybe David) were all Martha's sons by the same man (maybe a Willard?) and perhaps she didn't marry James in 1814 but later, say about 1820. James adopts the boys, giving them his surname (and ironically, their mother's maiden name) of Vaughan. The marriage doesn't last and they divorce, Ben goes on to Arkansas. On the 1829 Sheriff' s Census for Washington County, Arkansas, a boy in Benjamin's age bracket (about 14 or 15) appears in William Vaughan's household. (This data from The Arkansas Family Historian, Volume 14 ,1976, page 170). I'm not sure the 1830 census record that Helen posted is in fact for our James Vaughan. If it was, there are several sons of James not listed in my records: 1830 . M. F. 2 Under 5 This means 1825-1830, only shows John, born 1827 as a son. 2 5-10 1 This would be 1820 to 1825, I know of no sons born in this time frame? 1 10-15 This would be 1815 to 1820, and we have both Ben, and Maborne in this category. 1 30-40 1 I've also seen this listed as our James: 1830 Warren County, Tennessee Census, it is believed he appears at homestead # 374 374 James Vaughan 211001-012001 Males: 2 Under 5, One 5-10, One 10-15, none 15-20, none 20-30, one 30-40 this doesn't really fit either. Anyway, I just wanted to point out some of the big mysteries we still are facing in our research." Quoted and the works of Eddie Davis

(I know I'm confused! but, respect Eddie's work.I recommend reading the book 'America B.C." by Barry Fell if you are at all interested in learning about the evidence of pre-Colombus Europeans (and other cultures as well) travelers/migrants to the Americas that very likely could have contributed to this odd DNA connection to Native Americans) AND look at the referrers at the bottom of the pg.

..."Some past searches have given credence to census records that have more negatives than positives while not attending records that match. According to analysis--assumptions made, based on these records, may be wrong-right. Searches, if made ONLY on these assumptions, end up with the same questions and no answers. Proven data: Born in Halifax VA, 1795, James L. Vaughan lived in Hawkins Co. TN in the home of his parents until abt 1815. When he was abt 20 yrs old he left Hawkins with his 28 yr old bride, Martha Patty and her parents, William and Fereby Vaughan. Three sons, Benjamin Franklin, and perhaps twins, Maborne and William, were born to them and show up on the 1820 White County, TN census with all ages matching. Problem: 1. Martha Patty Vaughan’s age—born 1787. She is 8 yrs older than James L. Eight years is a lot of years to miscalculate or ignore on future 1830 and 1840 census forms, but maybe miscalculated or ignored. 2. Statement: JLV’s son Benjamin Franklin’s claim that he was “raised” by his grandparents William and Fereby Vaughan. After 1820, he went to live with his grandparents, probably at his own choosing, and being only 5 or 6, cld rightly claim they raised him. 3. Freddie Todd’s claimed, Ben had 2 bros and 2 half bros. Which half did John and Elijah, b. aft 1820, belong to? – James L. or Martha Patty? A logical explanation wld be that 1. Martha Patty had a daughter 2. with another James Vaughan and 3. lied abt her age. All three of which would be necessary to make the census of 1830 and 1840 true for Martha Patty. Similar changes would have to be made to make them true for James L. Neither can be true for the folks listed on the 1820 census. 4. 1820 Census. Future census records do not match this same family unit, esp. regarding the 8 yr discrepancy in Martha and JLV’s ages. On later forms (1830 and 1840) there is a female child added to research w/ no explanation. 5. The background of the name of Maborne. (Product of a variant script, perhaps?) 6. Where wld “parts unknown” be in 1841, as stated by James L. Vaughan’s father? Answer: Not anywhere that there were family members who evidently kept in touch with one another, like from Western TN, MO, or ARK. Only Texas. 7. Perfect matches of Texas history with JLV’s whereabouts, his massive land acquisition, and his military and census records. 8. Other Vaughan family connections in 19th century Texas w/JLV and associates. 9. There are as many different James Vaughan/Vaughn s as there are John Vaughan/Vaughn s and seemed to be mixed and matched just as casually. Conclusion: Of the dozens of James Vaughan/Vaughn’s tracked, there is only one James L. Vaughan b. 1795 VA, and he was in Texas at least from 17 Oct 1835 to 1860. Why not look at James L. Vaughan and for his son, Maborne and wife Lucinda in Texas? Maybe he even remarried and left a whole new gene pool of Texas DNA to be discovered. I may not be up to date on the research that I reviewed, but it is clear that others do not yet know that on perfectly matched records from 1835 to 1860, and probably beyond, there is a lot of James L. Vaughan, born 1795 VA, in Texas." Antonymous (It's clear we researcher need to ask the questions to get the right answers...if ever possible.)

Thanks for your corrections and additions to these posts. All comments are most welcomed! Site Meter

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