"http://members.tripod.com/~Hiestand/roller/JOHANNES.HTM that shows John's ancestry. It lists Rebecca as Rebecca Falin Vaughan and gives her birth date as June 24th, 1801, which compares to what Nancy (Callicott) Vaughan gave for her daughter "Rebechah G. was born June the 24 day 1802" As I mentioned last week, in her father's day book, her name is shown as: Rebechah Gruer was born June the 24 day 1802 with the "2" in 1802 written over an originally recorded "1". So it is very likely that Rebeccah did not know exactly when she was born.The problem of course is that a Rebechah or Rebecca Gruer Vaughan sounds pretty different then a Rebecca Falin Vaughan. I am 100% certain the two women are the same person, but how did the name comes into the story. And why was Rebecca's middle name Gruer. What follows is a transcript of Benjamin Vaughan's affidavit for his mother Nancy (Callicott) Vaughan's Revolutionary War pension application. (This icopy is posted herein)
Ben was one of the middle born children of John and Nancy, and he gives in 1858 a bit of information on where his sister Rebecca lived:
State of Tennessee county of Hancock.
Be it remembered that on this 28 day of May AD 1858 formally appeared before me a Justice of the Peace in and for the county aforementioned Benjamin Vaughn aged about 54 years, after being by me duly-sworn according to you both on his oath depose and say that he will be fifty four years of age on the 4th day of November in 1858 to the best of his knowledge information and belief. He further certifies that the enclosed record of my father. John & Nancy Vaughn is the record which was found knowing my fathers old paper and it has ever since remained to my possession and as to the correctness of which I certify that I can recollect the birth of Samuel, Martha & George W. Vaughn which part of the record I certify from my resolution and from circumstances is correct and that I certify that James, Polly. Beverly. Rebeky Vaughn are all four elder than me and that the last account I had of James he was in the State of Texas and that the last account I had of Beverly he was in the State of Arkansas and that Polly lives in Hawkins County in the State of Tennessee. Rebecky lives in the State of MO the last account, and that Nancy, Mahaly & John are all three younger than me but I cannot recollect the dates of their births and that Nancy & John lives in this county and that Mahaly is dead and that Samuel resides in the county and that the last account of George is he lived near Nashville Tennessee and that Martha lives in Knox County in the Stale of Tennessee and that my father John Vaughan died on the 14 day of July 1842 and that at his death he left a will in which I certify he willed to me John & Samuel Vaughn the tract of land where and now live and where on Samuel now lives that they paid him after the death of their said father $100. for his part of said tract of land and that his other lands and Tenements was divided amongst the other heirs and that I further certify that I know of know other record of the dates and births of said heirs or any other dates I recorded after the marriage if any such record either private or public he does not know any thing of them, and I further certify that after the Act of 1832 I heard my father frequently speak of his claim that he said that he would not trouble himself about it that he did not need it and that in
Several occasions I have heard him in conversation with one Samuel Doloson who is no more and who runs a van, drinking character and who applied for pension
Doloson, could obtain his pension and could get what was due to him John
Vaughn that he, Doloson. would have money enough to pay for his drinking and that
Doloson never received a pension ?
In witness I do here unto set my hand and seal the day and year.
*1858 Rebecca was living in Missouri, and this, plus her father's will, shown below, pretty much settles that the Rebecca Roller in Barry County, MO., was the same as John and Nancy's daughter: WILL OF JOHN VAUGHAN
Page 474 Dated: Dec. 27, 1841 Proven: Aug. Term 1842
I , John Vaughan of the County of Hawkins and State of Tennessee, do make this my last Will & Testament hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me heretofore made.First. My will and desire is that all my just debts be paid out of any money that I may die possessed of, or that may first come into the hands of my Executors. Second. My will and desire is that my son George Washington, for and in consideration of the bequests hereinafter made to him do keep and support my wife Nancy Vaughan during her natural life.Third. I do give and bequeath unto my sons Samuel N. Vaughan and Benjamin Vaughan during their natural lives and then to their lawful heirs forever all my lands on the north side of Clinch Mountain, it being about 110 acres and 10 acres on the south side to copper ridge whereon the said Samuel N. Vaughan now lives, to be equally divided between them according to quality. Fourth. I do will and direct that the above named Samuel N. and Benjamin Vaughan for and in consideration of the above bequest shall within 12 months after my death jointly pay unto my son John Vaughan $100.00.Fifth. I give and bequeath unto my son George Washington Vaughan all my land whereon I now live and joining it being about 170 acres, together with all my personal estate that I may die possessed of or entitled to, and all money and debts due me except so much as may be necessary to supply the bequests made in this will in money.Sixth. Whereas my sons Beverly Vaughan and James L. Vaughan has gone to parts unknown, if they should return within two years after my death, I do give and bequeath to them one dollar each. Seventh, I do give and bequeath unto the heirs of my daughter Mahala Dickerd one dollar. Eighth. I do give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Gilliam one dollar.Ninth. I do give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca Roller $1.00. Tenth. I do give and bequeath unto my daughter Nancy Hickman $1.00. Eleventh. I do give and bequeath unto my daughter Martha Davis $1.00.And for the performance and execution of this my last will, I do appoint Robert W. Kinkead my Executor. In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal. This 27th day of December, 1841. John x Vaughan (seal)(his mark)In presence of: William Carmack, James T. Brice, William E. Carmack."
" 1841, Rebecca had married John Roller and by 1858 they lived in Missouri. So again, the question presents itself - where does the name FALIN come from? And, what about her middle name, GRUER? I'm really beginning to wonder if maybe John and Nancy had adopted several children either from different families, or else took in the children of one family. It could be that James (who married Martha Vaughan, William and Fereby's daughter) and Rebecca and maybe several others of their children were not biologically theirs. That would explain why my Ben Vaughan (named, no doubt for the Benjamin Vaughan who made the affidavit for Nancy, the elder Ben would have been my Ben's uncle) had Y-DNA that didn't match John and William's Y-DNA. Maybe it was his father, James, who, along with Rebecca, were adopted. Rebecca is the only child in John's day book with a second name attached, and James, the oldest child, does not have any last name listed in the book. Beverly was listed as "Beverly Callicott" (his mother's father's name), but the name was crossed out and "Beverly Vaughan" was entered in it's place. So it could be that Beverly, James and Rebecca were all not John's children.
At the website I mentioned above, it shows how many of the Rollers went to the area around what is now McDonald County, Missouri and Benton County, Arkansas. The two counties border each other and a ridge around Gateway, Missouri is named "Roller Ridge" after them. McDonald county borders Barry County, where John and Rebecca Roller moved, and of course, Benton County borders Madison County, AR., so they were only a short distance from the family of William and Fereby.
The question is, where were John and Rebecca in 1850? We know they were married by 1841, so they should show up somewhere. There is a John Roller on the 1850 Barry County, MO. census, but it is the father of the John that married Rebecca, according to the Roller web site. His wife was Mary Tutwiler and both of them were in Barry County, MO., living with an Adam Roller, probably a grandson. According to the site, John was there since 1830. I wonder if John and Rebecca were in Barry County early, or if they moved there later? They were not there in 1850, apparently. There are really no solid leads on them in 1850. Anyway, keep searching for some clues on John and Rebecca, as I feel if we locate some of John and Nancy's children in the 19th century, we might clear up some other mysteries of this family."
Email: Hello Cousins...I think I may have stumbled across something interesting and I need the groups help. I was browsing around FindaGrave.com and I saw this entry.http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=7947280We have always had that a REBECCA (REBECKAH) VAUGHN had married a JOHN ROLLER. I decided to focus today on this JOHN ROLLER and all I knew was Barry Co Missouri. In looking at this entry for him the dates are in the same range. I also got excited to see a REBECCA buried next to him there in the King Cemetery. The VAUGHN bible/day book that JOHN Vaughn b1762 VA...completed for his REVOLUTION PENSION lists all his Children and their birth dates. He lists a child named REBECKAH b. JUNE 24 1800 1801? (this entry is near the bottom right corner...hard to read but its there)The person that loaded the grave info's family site is here....http://www.lgboyd.com/I see that his charts list her maiden name as FALIN and she married JOHN in Tennesee in 1801.Their Children are:
Jasper ROLLER b: ABT 1820 in Virginia
Andrew Jackson ROLLER b: 12 MAY 1822 in Virginia
George Washington ROLLER b: ABT 1824 in Virginia
Amos ROLLER b: ABT 1826 in Virginia
Elizabeth ROLLER b: ABT 1828 in Virginia
Mary "Polly" ROLLER b: 19 JAN 1835 in Virginia
Lucinda ROLLER b: 15 NOV 1836 in Virginia
John ROLLER b: ABT 1839 in Tennessee
Patrick E. "Pad" ROLLER b: MAR 1841 in Tennessee
Phillip ROLLER b: ABT 1844 in Virginia Ironically our Rebeckah Vaughn also had a sister named MARY POLLY and a Brother named George Washington.......Her dates on this tombstone match and other things.?"
E-mail about "Missouri Pioneers", Vol. 1, 1967 Early settlers of Greene Co, MO" These records, taken from AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORICAL ATLAS MAP OF GREENE CO, MO, published in 1876 by Brink, McDonough & Co, give the patron's name, the post office at which he received his mail, the place where he was born and the year in which he came to Greene Co. Although his farm was located in Greene Co, the nearest post office may have been across the line in an adjoining county. The following symbols have been used after the town to designate the county other than Greene: *Webster, **Christian, ***Barry, ****Lawrence.The occupation is "farmer" unless otherwise stated. Often a farmer was also a carpenter, a minister, etc. The "township" and "range" also locate the property."Name, Post Ofice, Birthplace, Came to Greene Co., Twp/Rngp. 62 E. J. Vaughn, Springfield, Halifax Co, VA, 1851, Twp 29, Rng 20p. 71 Beverly Vaughan, Ebenezer, Mecklenburg Co, VA, 1847, Twp 30, Rng 22p. 74A. J. Vaughan, Cave Spring, Madison Co, AR, 1863, Twp 30, Rng 23p. 80 - 1817 Taxpayers - Howard Co, MO"A list of taxable property assessed as a Territorial Tax for Howard Co. for the year 1817 by N. S. Burckhartt, Sheriff of the County. The tax book containing the original early assessment records is now in the Missouri Historical Society Library at St. Louis, MO"
Boyd Gen Site http://www.lgboyd.com/ and http://www.lgboyd.com/roller/rollercem.htm (graves) http://www.lgboyd.com/vaughn/vaughn.htm (See: WorldConnecttree)
Thanks for your corrections and additions to this post. All comments are welcomed!
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